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A Festive Slice at The Corner Café

A Festive Slice at The Corner Café

The Christmas Pudding is a traditional pudding served as part of the Christmas dinner, often called Plum Pud, and often soaked in brandy and set light to. It has origins in Medieval England. Traditionally, it has 13 ingredients to symbolise Jesus and the 12 Disciples: many dried fruits held together by egg and suet, moistened by treacle, flavoured with cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger and various other spices. It is usually kept from anywhere from a month to a year and the high alcohol keeps it from going bad.

Just needs a bit of brandy butter or fresh cream now to make it perfect

Just needs a bit of brandy butter or fresh cream now to make it perfect

A traditional Christmas cake is made with currants, raisins and sultanas and they are soaked in rum. The cake can be covered with marzipan and icing, sometimes with ornate decorations on top, or left just as a fruit cake.

Just needs a nice piece of blue cheese or good strong chedder and the perfect snack!

Just needs a nice piece of blue cheese or good strong chedder and the perfect snack!

Everybody in the family would give the mix a stir and a silver sixpence was placed in the pudding and whosever found it in their piece of pudding would see it as a sign of good luck and wealth in the coming year.

Everybody in the family would give the mix a stir and a silver sixpence was placed in the pudding and whosever found it in their piece of pudding would see it as a sign of good luck and wealth in the coming year.

Nowadays, you can buy all sorts of puddings and cakes, but I draw the line when it comes to chocolate Christmas pudding or sticky toffee Christmas pudding. Puddings and cakes have been made for years to an old recipe and, come on, we have spoilt Christmas enough without spoiling the traditional food as well.

So, let’s all have some fun and enjoy a nice piece of Christmas cake or pudding with a nice brandy to wash it down and have a very Happy Christmas, one and all!


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Carols Round The Tree At The Corner Café

Carols Round The Tree At The Corner Café

Happy Birthday, Steve!!

Happy Birthday, Steve!!