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Christmas In The UK

Christmas In The UK

 Hi and Merry Christmas, welcome to the fourth Christmas Thread. We are back home now for Christmas in the UK.


It is celebrated, as you know, on 25th December and traditionally celebrates the birth of Christ, although in fact it is a pagan festival.  

Christmas Day is a public holiday, although some people still have to work unfortunately, ie key workers. 

It is a time for people to give and receive gifts and have a special meal.
People, me included, spend time and trouble making the house look pretty.


 They put up trees, lights, and various other bits and bobs, to brighten the place up and scream it’s Christmas !!
The towns and cities are decorated with pretty lights and many Churches have Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve or a simple Carol Service. (1).png
Very true in some houses. I have never had a problem with cats or dogs and trees!

Very true in some houses. I have never had a problem with cats or dogs and trees!

The day is usually spent with family, if possible, and it must be wonderful to have kids and watch the pure delight of them waking up and seeing that Santa has been. I used to hang up a pillow case and although we weren't rich, Santa always filled it, along with one of my Fathers Socks, which was called a stocking, with an orange, an apple, a very small pressie and some nuts.  Kids today would die if you gave them that !!  I always used to leave a mince pie and a glass of milk out for Santa, and to this day I love Christmas Day. The presents round the tree, the decorations, the Christmas Dinner, it’s just such a magical time of the year. 


There is so much different food to choose from nowadays, traditionally Christmas Lunch when I was a child was a Capon, then we used to have Turkey. Nowadays, I like things like a 5 Bird Game Roast or any game.  Veg. has to be Brussels Sprouts, and whatever else you fancy, but Sprouts are a must.  Some people go for a Goose, or a Gammon.  I haven't had either for years. I would try a Goose but Taff isn't keen on that sort of meat. 

Looks nicely cooked.

Looks nicely cooked.

That looks very appetising.

That looks very appetising.

When you have eaten all that, it’s time for the Christmas Pudding. Now I can never manage that after my lunch, and not a lover of it either, although homemade ones are very nice, but so so rich. 

Not forgetting the mince pies.

Not forgetting the mince pies.

And of course the traditional Christmas Cake

And of course the traditional Christmas Cake

Once you have opened the pressies, eaten your lunch, then it does fall a bit flat, because nowadays we need to be entertained we can't make our own entertainment, so we resort to the TV and maybe a glass or two of Mulled Wine


Anyway, whatever you do on Christmas Day, I hope you enjoy it.  Always be grateful for what we have and receive on Christmas Day. So many in this world can't afford what we have. 

Let us have your thoughts, your ideas on food etc. for a Christmas Lunch and post anything to do with Christmas.


All are welcome. And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Happy Birthday, Steve!!

Happy Birthday, Steve!!