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Did You Have A Good Christmas?

Did You Have A Good Christmas?


Well, the big day has been and gone for another year. I hope you all have a great day and lots of nice cards and pressies.

It probably felt strange to some of you not having family and friends around but in these troubled times needs must.

Well now we can look forward to a New Year, which I hope is far better for everybody, put it like this it can't be any worse than this year.


Anyway, let’s look forward with hope for the New Year.
And how do you celebrate it? Do you make New Year's resolutions only to break them within the first week? Do you stay up to see the New Year in or go to bed at your usual time?
I don't do either. I gave up on resolutions years ago and I don't see the point of staying up that late just to have a drink and then go to bed. Different if you are at a party or there is a crowd of you.

Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions?
If so, let us know what they are and how you progress with keeping them.

I totally agree with this one!

I totally agree with this one!

This I think is probably the best New Year’s Resolution any of us could make and keep!

This I think is probably the best New Year’s Resolution any of us could make and keep!

Whatever you do and however you celebrate it, I wish you all a Happy, Prosperous and Safe New Year.


All are welcome. And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

It's Christmas Day at The Corner Café

It's Christmas Day at The Corner Café