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Happy Anniversary, Amalthea!!

Happy Anniversary, Amalthea!!

Today it is a very special day for one of our regulars, Amalthea and her husband, Jim, this day marking their 32nd wedding anniversary.

A very spooky kind of date, but I guess it’s one that is easy to remember - I do have a job remembering mine!!

And 32 years, that is quite some achievement. Well worth toasting with some champagne!!

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And the cake, of course!! Get in before Taff does!!

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Here’s wishing you the very best of days, today and every day!! Enjoy it all, whatever you do!!
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So, all that we need is the traditional Corner Café poem to round things off.


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Halloween At The Corner Café

Halloween At The Corner Café

All The Fun Of The Fair At The Corner Café

All The Fun Of The Fair At The Corner Café