The Chat Shack

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Happy Birthday, Taff!!

It’s someone’s very special day in two ways today. One of our Wordy Wizards celebrates his ruby wedding anniversary on the same day as his birthday. Not easy to forget that date, eh, Taff?!

We can’t let this special day go unmarked… NOOT NOOT!!

There will be music, and drink, and food, and more music…

You are one of the original founder members of this little crew, and it is good that we are all still together after all these years, being just as daft as ever!!

A dog of many talents, is our Taff!!

And we will take the opportunity this day to show our appreciation for Taff’s valiant daily efforts, along with phred, on Wordy Wizardry. Even if we don’t always appreciate the word selections supplied!! 😁

So, now it’s time to round things off in the Corner Café traditional way… Happy Birthday, Taff!! Have a brilliant day!!