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Happy Cake Day

Well, who doesn't like cake?
It is something we all eat from time to time. Some more than others.
I enjoy a slice of cake every now and again, then not bothered for another few months.
There are so many types of cake as well and some are easily made.

The cake dates back to ancient times and the first cakes are thought to have been made in Ancient Greece and Egypt. They were certainly different from what we know today, as they were heavy and flat and eaten more as a dessert with nuts and honey.

The Oxford Dictionary can trace the word cake as far back as the 13th century. During the Great Depression, there had to be cheap food to feed millions of Americans who were living in poverty and the boxed cake mix was born. The idea was a big hit with the housewives as it made their life easier.

In the 1600s, with the technology of ovens and the use of whipped eggs instead of yeast, the predecessor to cakes we know today began. They were round, topped with icing and often had dried fruit and nuts in them.

Cakes are a lovely addition to a meal as a dessert and there are so many delicious ones to choose from Chocolate, Black Forest Gateau or even Pineapple Upside-down cake.

Today, Cake Day is celebrated all over the world

So, how to celebrate this day? The obvious idea is to bake a cake . . . something exotic. Or have a cake party, invite some friends around and get them to all bring a cake.

But whatever you do, indulge in at least a slice of cake today and remember "naughty is nice"!

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.