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Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Ok, folks, the bad news is today is Valentine’s Day. The good news is we are going to look at the funny side of relationships and not the lovey-dovey sentimental slop side of it. Which will please most of you I'm sure!!

And the quicker the men realise that the better the relationship !!

And the quicker the men realise that the better the relationship !!

We all know the history and traditions of Valentine’s Day, which unfortunately has now been turned into nothing but a money-making farce.

Relationships are never what they are made out to be in cards, films or in books, people argue, get fed up of each other, and get on each other's nerves.
Now, if you can overcome that, then the relationship is worth having.
I mean, who wants to be told every 10 mins how lovely they are etc. etc. It would drive me mad.
Much more fun to have some fun and laughter in a relationship.

Often can be !!

Often can be !!

And this works equally well for males and females

And this works equally well for males and females


There a few things to remember in a relationship whether it be marriage or just being together.

Again something that needs learning quickly !

Again something that needs learning quickly !

A hug now and again goes a long way and means a lot

A hug now and again goes a long way and means a lot

Here are a few different ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

So for a start, don’t buy a sloppy Valentine’s Day card. If you want to buy a card, buy a thank you card for being the person they are. Nobody is perfect and nobody should expect anybody to be.

Don’t waste your money on flowers and chocolates. Instead, cook a nice meal and open a bottle of wine. It will be appreciated more by your other half, I’m sure.


Don’t play romantic music cos you think you have to. Play music you both like, you will enjoy it more.

Send a card to somebody anonymously, which is what it is all about.

Whatever you do, just be yourself, your other half will appreciate it more than all the sentimental nonsense that is associated with Valentine’s Day.


But the one thing you should say often to your other half is three little words that mean a lot


All are welcome. And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

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