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It's National Pink Day aka Let's go Pink

It's National Pink Day aka Let's go Pink

Kieran calm down !!!

This day, often called Pink Shirt Day, came about in 2007 in Canada. Two students saw a fellow being bullied just cos he was wearing a pink shirt cos of its feminine association.

This has now become an anti-bullying day and it encourages people to wear pink.

So today we are going to look at the colour pink and see what a beautiful colour it actually is.

There are endless shades of pink, and the colour is used for countless stuff today, from clothes, to home furnishings, shoes, kitchen utensils and cakes.

Even animals love the colour

In the 1900-1930 boy babies were dressed in pink, the same as girls were dressed in blue. Let's face it, in those days, people were so poor that the 2nd child downwards got the cast-offs of the older ones, regardless of colour or what it was. It wasn't unusual to see a baby boy in a dress either.

Fortunately, today, things have changed and it is quite acceptable for both sexes to wear pink and nothing is thought of it.

These boots certainly are made for walking !

Or a nice pink kitchen.

A piece of pink cake anybody?

Rosado Octupus

A lovely garden plant and good cut flowers

There are famous sayings like "in the pink" and also some well-known records such as "Lily the Pink".
Not forgetting the incredible Band, Pink Floyd!

There are quite a few pink animals in Nature, and various shades of pink are very popular in garden plants and cut flowers.

Pink Robin

My favourite cut flower

No description needed !

To celebrate today, wear something pink, get a few friends around and have a pink-themed party, and don't forget you can get pink drinks as well.

So do you own anything pink, and do you like it as a colour?
I think it is a very summery cheerful colour and do have some pink tops.

I am hoping that Kieran will give us an insight into his wardrobe and show off some of his lovely pink tutu's!

However you choose to celebrate it, just make it fun, and remember

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

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