It's Valentine's Day
Ok, it's Valentine’s day, the day for love and romance - well for some people anyway. Boxes of chocolates, bunches of red roses and a candlelit romantic dinner for two either at home or in a posh restaurant, no expense spared!
Well, that is how it is supposed to be but in reality, it is often different.
So, let's just pretend for once that we all celebrate Valentine's Day and have romantic other halves. Ok ok, stop laughing, just try.
You fall asleep the night before and have a wonderful romantic dream. You dream you wake up to a beautiful card, a dozen red roses and a bottle of champagne not to forget the box of your favourite chocs.
You spend a lovely romantic day and then he says he will cook a romantic dinner for 2.
Sounds good to me!
I will risk it !
Now for the meal. You could choose somewhere like the main pic or even this on a beach. How romantic would that be? A nice pleasant evening with the sound of the sea in the background - perfect to me!
You are certainly enjoying this dream.
Ok come on, play out the scenario. The table is set, candles are lit, wine is in the fridge and the bubbly is on ice.
Now, what would be your choice of romantic food? The choice is yours. A nice seafood starter, followed by a lovely blue fillet steak and salad finished off with strawberry's dipped in a chocolate fountain. Or maybe a nice Indian curry or Chinese. Take your pick, whatever your choice it will be romantic.
All of a sudden, the alarm goes off and you wake up, run downstairs to see if your dream has come true, then you realise not a hope in hell. You sit and have a cuppa and sigh. It was a lovely dream and then reality hits and yes, it’s Valentine’s Day, but so what? Another day another dollar.
Ok, this is a fun thread, so please join in and let us know what you would choose for a romantic dinner for 2 and if you would cook it or go out somewhere posh. And please no OMG’s or yuck, cos it is nice to dream at times!
All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.