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Let's Eat Some Veggies

Let's Eat Some Veggies


Vegetables love them or hate them, but you can't really have a meal without them in some form or another. Even salads have veg in them. So what's your favourite veg?
Winter wise, mine has to be Brussels sprouts. I just love them, steamed, sprouts and chestnuts or even crunchy sprouts, or put to roast with other veg.

A good selection of home grown veg

A good selection of home grown veg

Cauliflower and Broccoli are great, but Broccoli over cooks too quickly so just put it in boiling water and take it out again, same with peas. Cauli is lovely cooked with garlic, or lemon and capers.


Cabbage, again boiled or done with horseradish sauce. Preferably red, of course, is delicious


Other choices include parnsips and leeks. Leeks are excellent in replacing onions in casseroles. Parsnips, carrots and leeks are lovely roasted with a bit of butternut squash added, or all can be roasted individually.

These look good enough to eat

These look good enough to eat

Summer, there is an abundance to choose from, Asparagus, but must be British, as with all veg really. The veg from abroad is generally horrible. Peas in pods, broad beans, runner/climbing beans - the list is endless - and a lot of which are great cut up raw in salads.

If I were younger I would become a veggie.

If I were younger I would become a veggie.


Do you grow your own or buy them in the shops. I find shop bought veg doesn’t keep and is pretty tasteless once you have had homegrown stuff, but of course, you have to put the work into that to reap the benefits. There is nothing like boiled new spuds from the garden.

Then there is frozen veg, which is just a soggy mess when cooked and full of water.

We grow a lot of our own stuff, onions, parsnips, carrots, leeks, squash, beans, and potatoes, to name a few, and well worth the work that is put into it.


There is so much you can do with veg. It doesn’t have to be just plain veg, and whatever you do it should be served al dente and not boiled to death for 20 mins as most recipes say.

Let us have your ideas on how you use veg.
Do you eat a lot of it, and if so what's your favourite veg and recipe?


All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

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