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Love Is In The Air At The Corner Café

We all know about St. Valentine's Day, but there may be some facts you didn't know.  There were a lot of Christians called Valentine. and according to the Catholics, there are at least 3 associated with Valentine's Day. One was a priest, one a Bishop and one lived and died in Africa.  The one remembered is a Roman one who was martyred for not giving up Christianity. 

Every year we spend a fortune on flowers, chocolates and gifts for our loved ones. Well, some of you do anyway. Traditionally, these were anonymous but nowadays, it is known who sends the cards etc. 

Traditionally, spring begins on this day, (oh what a lovely thought). It’s the day on which birds choose their mates and in Sussex it’s called The Birds Wedding Day. 

Other superstitions of Valentine's day are:
The first male a single woman sees on that day will be her future husband.

If you write all the girls suitors on a bit of paper and wrap it in clay and put it in water the piece that rose to the surface would have the name of the future husband on it.

If a girl saw a robin on that day, she would marry a sailor. If it was a sparrow, it would be a poor man, but they would be happy. And a goldfinch denoted a rich person as a husband.

In the Middle Ages, male and females drew names out of a bowl to see who their valentines would be.

And in Wales, love spoons were carved and given as gifts. Hearts, keys and keyholes were the common decorations on the spoon which meant you unlock my heart. 

A beautiful Welsh Love Spoon

These really are a work of art

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