Make a Difference Day
Today is Make a Difference Day, and we can all do something to make a difference to the planet or to somebody else.
If, for the one day a year, we all made an effort to make a difference, what a better place the World would be!
There are always people a lot worse off than you are and this includes those from the homeless to the elderly. Not to mention what the Planet needs us to do, like using less plastic for a start.
This day was started in 1992 by a USA Weekend Magazine.
How we celebrate it is down to us as individuals. You could organise a food drive for your local food bank, or approach a business for donations for the homeless or other such organisations.
We don’t have to make a big thing of it.
Just check on somebody near you to see if they are ok and spend half an hour with a lonely person just chatting to them, and see the difference that will make to them.
Food is something we take for granted and just go and buy what we want. Spare a thought for others that can’t do that. Put a couple of extra items in your basket and put them in the local Food Bank. They will be very grateful for them.
When you see a homeless person sitting on the street, go buy him a hot drink, and if he/she has a dog go buy a tin of dog food. They think the world of their dogs.
When shopping, don’t ask for a plastic bag to put your meat in and don’t buy a plastic carrier bag either.
All these small things count and it will make a difference to somebody and to the Planet.
Whatever you do, do something, cos it all counts, and it also gives you a sense of satisfaction and happiness that you have actually helped somebody instead of just thinking of yourself.
All are welcome. And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.