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Playing Pranks At The Corner Café

So, April Fools Day has arrived again!!
Originally, it was a time to mock those people who had failed to adapt to the change from the Julian to Gregorian calendar and who were still celebrating the New Year at the end of March rather than the beginning of April.
These days, it’s a time to play pranks on people!!

Toothpaste filled biscuits!!

A cardboard monitor!!

Brussels sprouts lollipops!!

An oldie, but some manage to fall over without that help!! 😁

I have never been one to play pranks, apart from drawing on my dad’s face once when he was asleep, although I will laugh - nicely - at others’ harmless mishaps, then move to help them!! 😁
But I have had a few pranks played on me.

Probably the most embarrassing was when I was about 15 and I was in school in Scotland. It was a great school and quite relaxed for the time - you could wear uniform or go in denims or a leather jacket, they really didn’t mind - and it had a rector running it, not a headmaster.
One day, I had to go to the rector’s office to collect some documents in a break time - no I hadn’t been naughty!! It was one of my all in denim days. As I was about to leave to go there, one of my mates clapped me on the back. We often did that and I didn’t think anything of it, just toddled off to the office, knocked and entered when his secretary bade me come in. What I was there to collect wasn’t quite ready so she said just to wait there. So I did, mooching around her outer office and looking out of the window, etc. But every time I caught her eye, I was getting a funny look before she looked away. I assumed it was because I was English. We got a lot of that.
But eventually, what I wanted was done. She went into the rector’s office to collect it and gave it to me and I thanked her and turned to leave. One final glance over my shoulder showed her staring at me again. Shrugging my shoulders mentally, I headed back to my mates, who were absolutely killing themselves laughing.

By now, the penny was dropping and I stopped and felt up the back of my jacket. I felt something stuck there and ripped it off. There, where it had been in pride of place just below my shoulders, had been a LARGE sticker.
This sticker, except mine had a lovely shiny silver border so it really stuck out against my denim jacket!!!!!!
Friends, eh?!?! 😁

I could have got into huge trouble over that but I guess the rector’s secretary realised I was oblivious to it being there, as I wasn’t a known rebel who trotted in and out of the rector’s office, so she obviously didn’t want to report me and get me into trouble. Or maybe she was enjoying the prank too and that’s why she didn’t at least tell me. The rector or assistant rector might have had a different idea if either had come out of their offices at that moment though!!
But whatever, the joke was literally on me that day!! 😁

So, have you ever played a good prank or had one played on you?

Let’s celebrate the day by sharing jokes, and music, pictures, gifs and music all to do with the art of making fun or playing the fool!! 😁

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.