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The 1970's At The Corner Café

The 1970's At The Corner Café

The 70's were a decade of a lot of different things:  the Space Hopper, Ford Cortina, and boy was that a popular car, Raleigh chopper bikes and the great invention of record players and cassette recorders.

In 1971, we went decimal and a lot of things changed. 

Never had one of those, and not sure I could have stayed on it !!

Never had one of those, and not sure I could have stayed on it !!

Rayleigh Chopper Bike.

Rayleigh Chopper Bike.

I bet most of us had one of these. We thought they were brilliant.

I bet most of us had one of these. We thought they were brilliant.

A classic car if ever there was one.

A classic car if ever there was one.

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There were a lot of strikes, from the postal strike, miners, and dustmen, and a 3 day week in 1972, when the electric went off just as you were about to cook tea or wanted to watch something on tele.!!  

Now, this is the funny bit. In 1976, we had a record hot summer, and I and a boyfriend went to Cornwall and it rained all the time !!  

I went up to London along with millions of other people in 1977 to celebrate the Queen’s Silver Jubilee, and that was a great day out.  

The first microwave went on sale. Sony brought out the Walkman personal stereo, which are still around today, and probably the biggest improvement ever, the VHS video recorder went on sale, and look what that has led to.


The style of home furnishing was very different in those days as well, and I must say looking back on it, I don’t like it very much.

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The fashions, on reflection, were shall we say different. Platform shoes/boots, perms, flares and designer jeans. I did like the flares I must say, and I still have a pic of me in a pair of white crepe flared trousers!!!!

Not sure i would wear any of these nowadays!!

Not sure i would wear any of these nowadays!!

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OMG, they look like pyjama bottoms !!

OMG, they look like pyjama bottoms !!


There was some good music and bands in the 1970’s and no doubt most of them will get played on the main thread. They include Queen, The Bee Gees, Gloria Gaynor, ABBA and the Carpenters. to name a few.


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Discover Norway At The Corner Café

Discover Norway At The Corner Café

Happy Birthday, Taff!!

Happy Birthday, Taff!!