We're In The Pink
Pink - from the palest of pinks to the most vibrant of cerise - is a lovely colour, I am sure we all agree!! 😁
And today is National Pink Day, a chance to celebrate all things pink!!
But the word pink as applied to a pale shade of red is actually fairly new in relation to the other colours. Originally, the colour pink was called “rose” as it still is in many languages today like French.
Like me, you may think the flower the pink, genus dianthus, got its name from the colour, but actually, it was the other way around.
The verb “to pink” dates from the 14th Century and means to decorate with a perforated or punched pattern - as in pinking shears used in dressmaking - and as flowers of the genus dianthus have serrated petals, they were called Pinks!!
There are a lot of other flowers besides carnations that are pink. Such as these cosmos.
And the colour pink appears elsewhere in nature.
Pink marble.
Pink grapefruit.
A pink diamond.
Flamingos - who get their distinctive colour from beta-carotene in their food. A vibrantly coloured bird is considered a good mate - the colour shows it’s well-fed - whereas pale birds will get pushed aside in the dating stakes!!
And there are a lot of foodstuffs and drinks beside grapefruit that are pink - marshmallows, pink gin, pink champagne, candy floss, rosé wine.
Although imbibe too much of the pink beverages and you may start seeing other things that are pink!!!
And, of course, we humans use pink in our homes and for clothing.
You just can’t beat a nice spot of pink!!
Pink first became fashionable for clothing in the 18th century, and pink was originally more of a colour for boys - red being a “manly” colour of uniforms during the 19th century - and as boys were considered small men, they were dressed in pink.
The association of pink with being a feminine colour only really came about in the 20th Century.
So I rest my case!! 😂
Pink with white is said to embody innocence and chastity, while a combination of pink and black suggests seduction and eroticism.
So, as it is National Pink Day, let’s celebrate this colour in style!!
Whether you love pink or not, let’s share any pictures, gifs, music etc of all things pink.
All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.