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What Do We Collect?

This thread isn't about Collectables per se, but what you collect personally, now or what you have done in the past.  As a child, I'm sure you collected flick cards. I used to collect the cards out of tea and then send off for a book to stick them in.

I doubt there is much around on this planet that people don’t collect one way or another. Here are a few of the most common I would imagine.

There are probably more collectable items from these films than from anything else.

I would imagine most of you lads had these as kids, but are they now still in their boxes and in mint condition?

Coins and Medals are very popular.

Matchboxes, either empty or full, as there are hundreds to find.

And of course, there is the ever popular teddy bear.

So, come on, what have you got in your collection of paraphernalia? Things don’t have to be expensive, but to collect it must give you pleasure.

Here are some pics of the sort of thing I collect. It’s just fun trying to find something different. The days of finding stuff at boot sales etc. are long gone now so of course you are limited to where to find stuff. Stuff is put in auctions but it can go for silly money. At the end of the day, something is only worth what somebody else will pay for it, despite what you may get told.

A few of my Charlie Bear Teddy Bears, There are a lot to choose from but as they are expensive I don’t buy them very often but they are lovely.

I do like Meerkats. They don’t live there usually, but were put there for the photo.

The middle one is the first of that range Taff bought me and it has grown since then to quite a lot!

A snake and a German Shepherd Dog.

A few of my Border Collie Plates.

Nowadays everything that seems to be sold is a limited edition etc. etc. and I do think a lot of it is a con.  You have just bought number 5,382 out of 5 million manufactured. It’s never going to be worth anything, but people fall for it all the time, hence so much of it about. 

So, come on, post your pics of your collectables and give us a bit of history about them, and don't worry if they seem a bit odd, we won't laugh too much honestly !!

All are welcome. And please feel free to recommend and share all discussions you enjoy.

There is no obligation to follow any of our informal themes. They are simply for fun. This is an open topic chat thread, so please just post or talk about anything you like!