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World Animal Day

World Animal Day


Today is World Animal Day, and that covers all animals from elephants right down to the smallest insect.  

It was started in 1931 in Italy and takes place on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. 

Very true, they all deserve to live. I don’t kill anything. Everything is here for a purpose

Very true, they all deserve to live. I don’t kill anything. Everything is here for a purpose

Let’s give some thought to the animals we have in this world and the different species we have lost.  So many now face extinction cos of farming, loss of habitat, hunting and illegal smuggling of them as pets.  All down to one word and I think we now that word "HUMANS"!  Why we can’t just leave the animals alone, I will never understand. It’s their world as much as ours and they were here first in a lot of instances.

How can we help?
Well, for a start ditch fur products. It takes 20 dumb animals to make a fur coat and one to wear it !!
Don't buy products tested on animals, and you could even convert to vegetarianism. I would do if I was 20 years younger, believe me.  

Never a truer word said!

Never a truer word said!

Anyway, let’s give them our respect and thoughts today and let’s enjoy what animals we have left, while we can, cos the way things are going, in 20 years time, things like the elephant you will only see in a Zoo.
A sobering thought indeed.


All are welcome. And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

Mad Hatter Day

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World Smile Day

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