World Elephant Day
Leave my tusks where they belong please .
Unfortunately, far too many are killed every year for their ivory by poachers. I personally would kill the poachers. They kill the elephant, take the ivory and leave the carcasses to rot. What a waste of a truly magnificent animal!!
I think everybody I know loves the Elephants, especially the babies. They are so cute and funny. They are also a wonderful species.
They say an elephant never forgets and that is true. They are family originated, probably more so than any other species and feel a wide range of emotions including tremendous grief at times. They are also very very intelligent!!
A wonderful sight in the wild
Lovely picture, I think!
World Elephant Day was founded in 2011 and the first celebration was 12th August 2012. The idea of the first World Elephant Day was to show the plight of these wonderful creatures to the world.
Unfortunately, these animals face a lot of threats to their survival, the main one being, yes, you have guessed, MAN !
One major issue is the demand for ivory and it has the biggest demand in China. Extreme poverty in Africa drives poachers to do this as sometimes it exceeds the price of gold. People in Africa can often make a month’s wages or more from the ivory of one single elephant on the international market.
The loss of their habitat is another danger to them as it leaves them often hungry and searching for food and the poachers can track them down more easily.
A century ago, there were more than 12 million elephants in the wild. Today, the figure could be as low as 400,000 and about 20,000 are killed by poachers every year.
What can we personally do to help them? Well, for what it’s worth, you can sign the World Elephant Pledge to put pressure on governments to change their policies.
Talk to people especially those going abroad where there are elephants and get them not to go for an Elephant ride. This is not what they were born for.
Do NOT buy anything containing ivory where possible,
If everybody did a little bit to help these poor animals, cos the way they are going, they won’t be around for much longer, it will make all the difference.
Don’t you love Dumbo?!
They don’t really belong here either, but it may be the only place you will see them in the not so distant future.
Well, I hope you enjoy the thread, and do whatever is possible to help these wonderful creatures.
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