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World Food Day

World Food Day


Hi and welcome to World Food Day. Now, don't get excited, it doesn't involve indulging yourself any more than you do or stuffing your faces, sorry to disappoint you, although a bit of that is allowed.

We all know the song from Oliver 🎶Food glorious food 🎶and yes, there are some wonderful foods around the world to try, and I love foreign food.

World Food Day.jpg

A lot of people aren't as fortunate as we are in obtaining these foods.  There are people all over the world who are hungry. Starvation is a big problem in a lot of countries.
We are so lucky. Generally, we can put what food we like on the table, while in other places, people can't afford the basic food to survive on. 

A sobering thought.

A sobering thought.


World Food day came about in 1945 and was created to celebrate the launch of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation.

This organisation has played a large role in trying to implement good agricultural policies by governments all over the world to try and make sure there is basic food for everybody.

There isn’t much that gets wasted here what with Taff and the two dogs. !!

There isn’t much that gets wasted here what with Taff and the two dogs. !!

One of the best ways to celebrate this day is to help somebody less fortunate than you are: take some basic food to a food bank, buy a homeless person a cup of tea and a burger, or even make sure your elderly neighbour down the road can do their own shopping and has got enough food, especially nowadays when people are being stupid and bulk buying. 

Or make the ultimate choice and become a veggie or vegan.

Or make the ultimate choice and become a veggie or vegan.

As well as helping somebody, also try something different yourself food wise, and see what you think of it. Don't forget either that it's called World Food Day, so there are a lot of different foods to try out. 

So tell us your thoughts on foreign food, and anything unusual you have tried.


All are welcome. And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

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