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Melbourne CBD Peregrine Falcons

Melbourne CBD Peregrine Falcons


The following live stream is being broadcast from Melbourne CBD, Victoria, Australia.
The Peregrine Falcons have been living in the nest boxes on the building's ledge since the early 1990s and a high-resolution camera was installed in 2017 to monitor and share the lives of the falcons with the world.

This is an active wildlife site, so a 100% positive outcome is not guaranteed and rescues will not occur. This means that some birds may not survive - whether due to injury, illness or failure to thrive - and that no interventions to save them will be done.
Also, as this is a live feed, please be aware that Peregrine Falcons are birds of prey, which often consume live prey at the nest.

Please feel free to recommend and share all discussions you enjoy.

Barn Owls From North Yorkshire

Barn Owls From North Yorkshire

Great Fox-Spider Is Rediscovered In The UK

Great Fox-Spider Is Rediscovered In The UK