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Guy Fawkes Day

Guy Fawkes Day

The traditional guy the kids of my era used to make and parade down the road asking for a penny for the guy. Like all fun things it was stopped and classed as begging !!

The traditional guy the kids of my era used to make and parade down the road asking for a penny for the guy. Like all fun things it was stopped and classed as begging !!

Good selection of fireworks there!

Good selection of fireworks there!

Today is Guy Fawkes Day as you all know.  He was born in April 1570 and died January 1606. He was a member of a group of English Catholics who were involved in the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

So nearly got away with it as well!

So nearly got away with it as well!

We all know how the rest of it goes .

We all know how the rest of it goes .

We all know the history of the Gunpowder Plot so today we are going to concentrate on the fun side of Guy Fawkes, ie a bonfire party and the traditional food that goes with it, not to mention the guy itself, and the fireworks

Fireworks are something I have mixed feelings about, I love to see them but I do think they are best confined to a proper display for the sake of any pets and for safety reasons. Also the price of fireworks now is astronomical and you get nothing for your money, so much better to pay a fiver and go to a display and enjoy them that way.  You can always buy sparklers to enjoy at home.

Just remember pets do not like fireworks and can become very distressed when they hear them. Keep your pets indoors on Guy Fawkes Night.

Just remember pets do not like fireworks and can become very distressed when they hear them. Keep your pets indoors on Guy Fawkes Night.

To have a bonfire party, you have to have a bonfire where everybody crowds round eating their food and watching the fireworks, and, of course, keeping warm.

To have a bonfire party, you have to have a bonfire where everybody crowds round eating their food and watching the fireworks, and, of course, keeping warm.

There a lot of different foods you can have for a bonfire party and here are a few suggestions.

These are much better cooked in the actual bonfire, happy days !

These are much better cooked in the actual bonfire, happy days !

Hot Dog Bar

Hot Dog Bar

Bonfire Toffee, mind those teeth

Bonfire Toffee, mind those teeth


We can’t forget the fireworks

Act sensibly around fireworks

Act sensibly around fireworks

and my favourite as a child, the Sparkler

and my favourite as a child, the Sparkler


Whatever you do on Guy Fawkes Night just be safe and have fun, there will be a bonfire party and fireworks after tea as usual.

Build a bonfire
Build a bonfire
Put the Trolls on top
Put Disqus in the middle
And burn the blooming lot


All are welcome. And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

Happy Birthday, Mirela!!

Happy Birthday, Mirela!!

Halloween at The Corner Café

Halloween at The Corner Café