
Welcome to The Chat Shack

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Happy Birthday To The Corner Café!!

Happy Birthday To The Corner Café!!

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It was exactly one year ago today, while we were all busy celebrating the Café’s third birthday, that Disqus announced that the end of the channels would happen on 1st September 2019. And so, as soon as the party was finished, we packed the china into the tea chests, very carefully wrapped in newspaper, and we all moved to our present home here.
And here we all are, four years down the line from that very first opening day on the channels, still being as daft as ever in this very daftest of years.
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But this place is only here after so many years, because of you, the regulars, who come every day and give so generously of your time and humour. So give yourselves a big pat on the back, and have a slice of cake and a little tipple to wash it down!!

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Of course, while my name may be on the drinks licence and rather a lot of the bills, I have to say, 😁, I am not alone in running this site. I couldn’t even attempt what is done here without a HUGE contribution in time and effort from my right-hand cat.

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And we have others who support us mods in different ways.

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And finally, to each and every one of The Corner Café patrons, both here in the UK and abroad . . . to those who post and to those who only read . . .

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So, all that remains now is for us to have one huge, great PARTY!!!!!!

It's Slimming Time At The Corner Café

It's Slimming Time At The Corner Café

Happy Anniversary Kieran

Happy Anniversary Kieran