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It's Slimming Time At The Corner Café

It's Slimming Time At The Corner Café

How many times have we said that ??

How many times have we said that ??

So, now is the time to shift that.  We will have a virtual weigh in and we will start eating some healthy food.

We will start eating some healthy food. Out go the cakes, ice cream, cheese, chocolate, and junk food. We will eat proper meals and virtual food will be supplied, and I don’t expect any complaints from people !! lol

OK, we have all been a bit naughty recently with eating chocolate, ice cream, breakfasts, afternoon tea and evening snacks, and have put on a lot of virtual weight.

Well, what can I say now ?? No prizes for guessing who this is !!

Well, what can I say now ?? No prizes for guessing who this is !!

Excuses like that are not acceptable !!

Excuses like that are not acceptable !!

A big No No No

A big No No No

Good excuse, not !

Good excuse, not !

Out go these I’m afraid, they are a big no no and won’t be appearing on site !!

  • Sugary drinks. Added sugar is one of the worst ingredients in the modern diet. ...

  • Most pizzas. Pizza is one of the world's most popular junk foods. ...

  • White bread. ...

  • Most fruit juices. ...

  • Sweetened breakfast cereals. ...

  • Fried, grilled, or broiled food. ...

  • Pastries, cookies, and cakes. ...

  • French fries and potato chips.

Tut tut tut lol. Anybody seen with one of these will do 10 press up’s !!

Tut tut tut lol. Anybody seen with one of these will do 10 press up’s !!



Much better for you !!

Much better for you !!

I have even done your shopping list for you , no charge !

I have even done your shopping list for you , no charge !

Very refreshing on a nice warm day !!

Very refreshing on a nice warm day !!

And now for what you are allowed to eat !!

  • Cruciferous vegetables - those from the brassica family. Add these to your diet to gain a whole range of extra vitamins and minerals! ...

  • Lean beef and chicken breast. ...

  • Boiled potatoes. ...

  • Quinoa. ...

  • Salmon and oily fish. ...

  • Beans and legumes. ...

  • Whole eggs. ...

  • Oils, spreads and healthy fats.

I actually like all of these!!

I actually like all of these!!

And to add a bit of zing to it try some of these !

An apple a day keeps the Doctor away, so they say !!

An apple a day keeps the Doctor away, so they say !!

Well, that’s the food element dealt with, now comes the bad news . . . exercise !! You need exercise and to eat a healthy diet in order to lose weight. So try these and you will be surprised in a week of healthy eating and exercise just how much weight you have lost - half a stone if you do it properly - and you will feel a lot better.

This don’t look too difficult says Taff !

This don’t look too difficult says Taff !

Repeat 10 times per leg to start with !

Repeat 10 times per leg to start with !

No effort at all to this one!

No effort at all to this one!

At the end of the week, there will be another virtual weigh in, for those that have taken part.

This thread is for fun only and not to be taken seriously, although getting a bit fitter wouldn’t harm most of us at all but if you don' t have the willpower, just stick to the virtual fun and enjoy.


All are welcome. And please feel free to recommend and share all discussions you enjoy.

There is no obligation to follow any of our informal themes. They are simply for fun. This is an open topic chat thread, so please just post or talk about anything you like!

Happy Birthday, Miss Creant!!

Happy Birthday, Miss Creant!!

Happy Birthday To The Corner Café!!

Happy Birthday To The Corner Café!!