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Happy Birthday, Greenwood

Happy Birthday, Greenwood

Today, it a special day for Greenwood, our poetry writing, gif picking friend from sunny Eastbourne!!

Greenwood birthday typewriter 2020.jpg

It’s not easy having. a lockdown birthday, but hopefully, you can have some fun with your online friends and others!! 😁

Greenwood writer's blcok 2021.png

We can eat, drink and be merry whatever the current rules may say, so let’s have some super low-calorie birthday cake!!
It’s very easy to digest!!

Greenwood book tower birthday cake 2021.png

And let’s have some party games. Not for us Pin the Tail on the Donkey, Blind Man’s Buff, Pass the Parcel, Musical Chairs, or Sardines. No, we can play sewing on a button!!! 😂 I think there must be enough for us to have one each to do!!

Sewing on a button.png

Maybe it’s time for me to button it now 😁 so here is the customary Corner Café ending with an ode to Greenwood!!
Greenwood birthday scroll 2021.png

See you all at Greenwood’s birthday tea.
The sandwiches are on me!! 😁

Let's Eat Some Toast

Let's Eat Some Toast

Winnie The Pooh Visits The Corner Café

Winnie The Pooh Visits The Corner Café