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Winnie The Pooh Visits The Corner Café

Winnie The Pooh Visits The Corner Café

That picture sums Pooh Bear up I think!

That picture sums Pooh Bear up I think!

Winnie The Pooh, or Pooh Bear as he is often known, is a bear in a series of books by A.A Milne first published in 1926. The first Winnie The Pooh book was followed by The House at Pooh Corner in 1928.  There are also 2 children's books, although, in my opinion, they are all children's books, called When We Were Very Young (1924) and Now We Are Six (1927). He is also known as the Bear of very little brain !

Oh, come on, you eat honey !!

Oh, come on, you eat honey !!

I doubt there are many people who haven't read his books, although I never have.  There isn't much you can say about Winnie the Pooh really apart from everybody loves him and his friends.

How can you not love this character?

How can you not love this character?

That smile on Piglet’s face. He’s been up to mischief, I bet!

That smile on Piglet’s face. He’s been up to mischief, I bet!

Top-25-Heart-Touching-Winnie-the-Pooh-Quotes-Bestie.jpg (6).png
Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, and I do love Tigger!

Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, and I do love Tigger!

And we can’t forget Eeyore and Piglet!

And we can’t forget Eeyore and Piglet!

Christmas must be special then!

Christmas must be special then!

Talking of honey !

Talking of honey ! (8).png

These are some of Taff’s drawings he has of Winnie the Pooh which he had framed. I do think they are rather nice.


Well, there isn’t much you can say about Winnie the Pooh and his friends, so just enjoy the thread on him and tell us your thoughts.
Love him or hate him, he’s probably the best known bear there is.


All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

Happy Birthday, Greenwood

Happy Birthday, Greenwood

Pancake Day Fun At The Corner Café

Pancake Day Fun At The Corner Café