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Happy Birthday, TOT!!

Happy Birthday, TOT!!

Hello, Chat Shackers, or are you Shack Chatters? šŸ¤” Anyway, I hope you have the bunting and party blowers ready, because today is a special day for a very special lady, and my very much right-hand cat, TOT, the Mini Mod extraordinaire!!

There she is, slaving over a hot keyboard, even on such a day as this!!

Mini Mod TOT birthday 2020.jpg

OK, Birthday Girl, pay attentionā€¦

red pawprint.png
Stop modding for a second and enjoy your moment.

Stop modding for a second and enjoy your moment.

red pawprint flipped.png
A little something to whet TOTā€™s whistle. That should do for Happy Hour!!

A little something to whet TOTā€™s whistle. That should do for Happy Hour!!

And now to cut the kitty cake!!

TOT birthday cake 2020.png
OKā€¦ maybe not enough for Happy Hour after all - a top up for TOT required!!

OKā€¦ maybe not enough for Happy Hour after all - a top up for TOT required!!

TOT birthday gif 2020.gif
Blimey, I am sure these glasses have sprung a leak!!

Blimey, I am sure these glasses have sprung a leak!!

More tots for TOT required!!

More tots for TOT required!!

It looks like that booze effect is starting to show - quick confiscate those mule slippers!!

It looks like that booze effect is starting to show - quick confiscate those mule slippers!!

Cat + mules cropped.png

OK, TOT, I know you are always sporting and game for a laugh, and donā€™t mind your leg being pulled on here, which is just as well!! šŸ˜ But letā€™s get serious for a minuteā€¦ OK, half serious!!

TOT birthday poem 2020.png

And lastly, the serious bitā€¦ said with all sincerity!! You do do so much on here, more than just a mod, soā€¦

TOT birthday present post.jpg
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ę–°å¹“åæ«ä¹ XÄ«nniĆ”n kuĆ ilĆØ

Toys and Games at The Corner CafƩ

Toys and Games at The Corner CafƩ