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Happy Birthday, TOT

Happy Birthday, TOT

Yes, today is Mini Mod’s birthday!
She has been my right-hand on here for so long now, drafting discussions and bashing spammers, and I couldn’t do it without her. So, today, it’s time for her to put her feet up and enjoy the day.
It’s going to be a great day for fun, so no spammers, etc. better think of starting anything!!

Or else we will send round The Management!!!

The drinks are lined up - that’ll keep TOT quiet for five minutes anyway!!

And of course, we need some cake to go with those . . .

And a few more drinks, of course . . .

I’ve been busy blowing up balloons and the party poppers are ready to go!!

And of course, a birthday celebration is not complete without the customary ode to TOT!!
Have a very happy birthday, Mini Mod!!

Mellow Yellow

Mellow Yellow

Technology At Its Best

Technology At Its Best