Technology At Its Best
We all have a computer, but how much do we rely on it and how much do we use it?
Not only do we have computers, but we also have smartphones, iPads, Android tablets, and laptops.
In fact, I don't know anybody that hasn't got at least one or more of these.
My love of computers and computer games goes back to the Commodore 64, I can't believe I used to sit and load a game on by tape and then half the time it didn't load . Then I had a spectrum, can't remember which model, an Atari 2600 and that had some superb games, much better than some of the ones we have now. Not great graphics but so playable.
Beware of smart phones !
Funny but true in a lot of cases
The mega drive and Nintendo followed and then an Amiga. I was never interested in a PC - always said I couldn't turn one on, but a friend swapped an old one for a telescope and we were hooked. I got the internet for my birthday one year and have never looked back. I use my desktop for Disqus, emails etc. etc. and personalising stuff and organising stuff. My iPad and Samsung tablet are basically for games, although I do use them oddly to access Disqus and to Mod. My phone is for calls and texts, I hate using it for anything else, although I do at times.
We all love technology and to an extent, it is a big part of our lives nowadays, but we do go mad when it goes wrong. If the internet goes down, it's the end of the world. How did we live without it? Better in a lot of cases. Life was so different. We used to go shopping. Who remembers that? Lol
The kids today get far too much time on their computers, tablets and phones. They are becoming anti-social and are generally unable to communicate with people. There is a cure for it!
Certainly not what you want to see at any time
The last resort
Tell us what sort of computer you have, i.e. desktop, laptop. How do you connect to Disqus and talk to us? How important is your computer to you?
It is a marvellous invention for people on their own. It's a window to the outside world and a place to chat to people.
Let's have your thoughts on it all, cos since computers were invented, they have come a long way.
And probably better than most from what I understand
All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.