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Horse  Rescue Day

Horse Rescue Day

As if you would dare

As if you would dare

Horses are wonderful creatures. show them a polo, a carrot, or an apple and they are your friend for life, which is not always good for them.

Why indeed

Why indeed

There are far too many of these lovely creatures abused or neglected every year, through no fault of their own. You see them in fields with no food or water on hot days, riders whipping them to try and make them go faster, even though they are going as fast as they can.
In the olden days, a lot were overworked, as they were the only "taxis" available at the time and some worked from dawn to dusk, not entirely the owner’s fault as people in those days were very hard up and needed to work the horses to put food on the table, but it was a sorry plight for those poor creatures.

In 2014, the calls to the RSPCA about horses or other equines had increased by 9% from 2009 making that over 200 per day about one type of animal. And over the last 6 years, the horses collected by them has increased by 108%.

From the middle ages up to the 19th century, the death of horses was common and usually ignored. The formation of the RSPCA and the publishing of Anna Sewell’s book Black Beauty brought the topic into people's conversation.

A few of the horses at Bransby

A few of the horses at Bransby

During the 20th and 21st century, changes came about as to how people viewed and treated horses. Many organisations were set up to help these neglected animals, including one about 8 miles from us - Bransby Horses Home for retired and neglected horses and donkeys. They get no government funding and rely solely on people's donations. Last year and the year before were terrible for them due to flooding and the horses had to be moved to their other place, and COVID when they had to shut and cancel all their functions. They have only just reopened and the horses etc. are all looking forward to their visitors. Sadly, cos some have health probs. you aren't allowed to give them treats, but they do love a good fuss.


To celebrate today, you could donate some money or time to your nearest rescue centre for horses, or even go down and just say hello to them, they would love that, or even volunteer to help out. Many have charity shops on site so you could help out there if your not keen on mucking out stables etc. Just get to know these wonderful creatures who can be such fun.


These two poems say it all really.


Whatever you do, just give some thought to these wonderful creatures who apart from anything else, along with the Armed Services, helped to fight a war for this Country, many of which were killed and the rest generally left there in foreign fields and not in the best circumstances.


All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

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