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International Chocolate Day

Plain chocolate, which I find too bitter especially the 90% cocoa one.

Well, what can I say about chocolate?!
I bet there aren’t any of you that don’t love this naughty but nice treat. There are 3 main types of chocolate: Milk, Plain and White.

Milk chocolate, which is my preference.

White chocolate, which I will eat if nothing else around !!

Chocolate itself goes back a long time about 2,500 years ago.  The Aztecs believed that the god of wisdom bestowed their newly discovered liquid chocolate on them. It was a very different recipe to what we know now and was very bitter as, of course, there was no sugar to be added. It wasn't a sweet treat till the 16th century, and then it certainly caught on and became the households’ favourite treat, and I think it still is today.   

Some indulge every day and this is not a day for diabetics !!  Chocolate itself is harmless once in a while and certainly deserves its special day.

How about for breakfast, chocolate cereal and a few chocolate donuts and to drink, hot chocolate or chocolate milkshake, or even some chocolate chip pancakes?!

Mid morning, chocolate bar.

Lunch, a large glass of chocolate milkshake and a piece of chocolate pie or cheesecake.

Mid afternoon. how about some chocolate covered strawberries or raisins.

Dinner, a glass of a chocolate liqueur before dinner and for afters a piece of chocolate cake and a chocolate flavoured coffee.

Supper, a few chocolate mints or biscuits with a glass of milk.

OMG, I feel sick already !!  If any of you can eat that lot then you deserve to be ill lol !!


I will have some of this with some chocolate ice cream, please !

OK, let’s have your views on chocolate. Love it or hate it, which sort do you prefer? And let’s enjoy a nice chocolate eating day!!

All are welcome. And please feel free to recommend and share all discussions you enjoy.

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