The Chat Shack

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Mary Mary Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?

Well, folks, it's coming to that time of year when the gardens start showing signs of autumn.
It's been a funny year for gardens this year. The poor plants haven't known whether they are coming or going.

Anyway, now is the time to start harvesting any crops you have grown, and I must say, personally, despite the weather, we have done well. Once cleared, the ground needs digging over and tidying up for the next lot of seeds, etc. in the Spring. Annuals that are finished need pulling out and composting and perennials need tidying up and left to die down for the winter. It's a period now of tidying, weeding, and maintenance before the winter weather hits us.

There are a lot of different spring bulbs around, from aconites through to late flowering daffs, and all make great winter/spring colour.

A nice selection of winter colour

The shops have now started getting their Spring Bulbs in, so a good opportunity to rethink some of your flower beds for the winter. Do you have colour? Can you see it from the house? All of these are important cos winter can seem a long time with no colour in the garden. Dwarf conifers provide excellent winter cover.

Plant some violas or pansies in tubs by your door, or in some troughs. Anything to brighten the dark days of winter up. There are quite a few plants that will flower in the winter as well.

So tell us how your garden has fared this year.
Did you get a good harvest of whatever you grew or did the weather spoil the fun?

Whatever happened this year, take heart cos for a proper gardener, he is always thinking of how to do better next year.

In the meantime, sit back, sort through your seed catalogues and enjoy the Autumn colours.

All are welcome.
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