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Welcome to UFO Day at The Corner Café

Welcome to UFO Day at The Corner Café


Well, today we are going to have some fun with UFOs and aliens. I actually don't believe in such things but the X Files convinced a lot of people that "the truth is out there".

UFOs have been the talk of things to come for centuries but it was in the 1950's people really started to get interested in them and funny little creatures from far away planets. People say they have seen them, well yes maybe when you have had a few pints!!


Why is UFO day on this date,?
This represents the date of the anniversary of the not-confirmed Roswell Incident where a UFO crashed there deep in the American Southwest and the government has been covering it up ever since. !!

War of the Worlds

War of the Worlds

We all like films about lovable Aliens like ET, whose phone bill must be enormous lol. Films like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Mars Attack etc. etc. the list is endless, and of course War of the Worlds and other dramas on television about them.
So why not today sit and watch some of them. Depends on how far back you want to go. Watch some films from different eras and see the difference. There are the Flash Gordon type films of the 1930's which were genre-defining. The Martian stories of the 1950's/60's or sit back and watch some modern ones.
Make it a real UFO/ Alien marathon.

Mars Attack

Mars Attack

You could even have an Alien party, invite some friend around and all dress as different Aliens, or even hire an Alien costume and go shopping! Now that could be fun.

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What are your thoughts on UFOs and little green men from Mars,? A lot of people believe in them, but if they do exist it is not possible for them to reach us anyway and let's face it as they all generally come from ideal planets why on earth would they want to come and visit us, apart from to laugh at us.

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Do they exist? I don’t think so.

Do they exist? I don’t think so.

There are UFO and Alien toys that are collectable as well, do you have any of those, if so show us some photos of them.

Whatever you do today, make it fun, but I doubt that celebrating today will make anybody change their mind about little green men from Mars or that they would visit in these sort of UFOs.

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All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

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Camera Day

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