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Wine and Cheese Day at The Corner Café

Wine and Cheese Day at The Corner Café

Another interesting day, I think! What can be better than Wine and Cheese?

Well, what a winning combination these two are.  I love wine and I love cheese. I don't buy it much though cos it is very salty and also very fattening !!  Once in a while is great and I shall certainly be having some today.

I know that feeling!!

I know that feeling!!

Either or is acceptable.

Either or is acceptable.

A lot of wine producing regions have their wine with local cheeses and this, they say, is the best pairing there is.  The French brie regions are noted for their varieties of wine and Beaujolais is often served with local Brie and apparently goes together like chocolate and peanut butter.  

There are many different pairings of wine and cheese that are traditional, but to be honest, the best way is to eat what cheese you like and drink which wine you like. (5).png
Hey, can I have a glass like that ?!

Hey, can I have a glass like that ?! (4).png

To celebrate, why not get together with friends and host a wine and cheese tasting. Buy every variety of cheese you can and get them to bring the port wines, champagnes and reds and white wines and have a fun evening.

If your not sure, a nutty firm cheese is always acceptable, and cheeses and wines that come from the same area go well together. Sparkling wine goes with creamy soft cheeses, and sweet wines and funky cheeses go perfectly together.  Of course, aged cheese and red wines are excellent together.

The main thing is whatever you choose in the way of cheese and wine the wine must not overpower the cheese and vice versa.

Whatever you choose to do to celebrate this day, do it in style and have fun. I know we all like cheese and wine so lets indulge for once!!

Even Tom and Jerry love cheese.

Even Tom and Jerry love cheese.


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Tea -v- Coffee

Tea -v- Coffee

It's All In The Stars At The Corner Café

It's All In The Stars At The Corner Café