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Sweet Dreams At The Corner Café

There is one thing we all do - to one extent or another - and that is sleep. Zzz . . .
Sleep is an important function which allows the brain and the body to do some essential maintenance. A chance to recharge our batteries!!
It is made up of two alternating phases: REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep. A cycle through both sorts takes on average 90 minutes and can occur 4-6 times during a good night’s sleep and we need the right amount and balance of both types to awaken refreshed and ready to face the day.

Insomnia is where people have trouble sleeping: either an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep. It’s something I am sure lots of us are all too familiar with and this lack of sleep can cause irritability, depression and low energy the next day.

Hypersomnia is excessive sleeping or sleepiness, and it can cause people to nap a lot during the day, even falling asleep when eating or talking, as well as to sleep a lot at night. They don’t tend to feel refreshed after a nap or sleep.
Narcolepsy is excessive tiredness due to a brain condition which causes a problem with regulating the sleep-wake cycle. This causes extreme sleep deprivation and leaves a sufferer feeling permanently exhausted. They too can have brief, unscheduled sleep episodes during the day as well as excessive dreaming and waking in the night.

REM sleep is when we dream or have nightmares. Normally, during REM sleep the body’s voluntary muscles are paralysed, preventing people from acting out what is happening in their dreams. When this mechanism doesn’t work properly, people can sleep walk, sleep eat, or perform any manner of activities while they are deeply asleep.

Non-REM sleep is the deepest sleep. This is when our brains are least active and also when our heart rate and temperature falls slightly.
It forms the greatest portion of the phases in the early part of any period of sleep, whereas REM sleep occurs for longer periods in the few hours before natural waking.

Sleep is controlled by the Circadian Clock - a complex part of all living things - which is largely influenced by light levels. It controls the secretion of hormones that affect many body processes during the day as well as at night.

Modern life with its artificial lighting, electronic devices, and increased stress can cause sleeplessness in one form or another.

Some people swear by sleep aids such as earplugs or eye masks to help them sleep. Or they may take melatonin supplements or drink camomile tea in the run up to bed time.

Others count sheep!!

Some people need an alarm clock to wake them, but others, myself included, can more or less wake naturally at whatever time they wish.

Cats are the masters of the nap attack!!

Do you sleep like a log or do you have trouble sleeping? If so, what are your favourite tricks for getting that elusive good night’s sleep?
Do you nap regularly during the day or do you soldier on regardless till bedtime?
Have you ever had strange or recurring dreams or nightmares?

Please share anything you like about sleep and dreams, funny or serious!! Pictures, memes, gifs, videos, music . . . all contributions are welcome!!

All are welcome. And please feel free to recommend and share all discussions you enjoy.

There is no obligation to follow any of our informal themes. They are simply for fun. This is an open topic chat thread, so please just post or talk about anything you like!